The device can also be created by inserting the module hso.ko into the kernel explicitly:
# insmod /lib/modules/3.2.13/kernel/drivers/net/usb/hso.ko
This can be tested by removing it first with 'rmmod hso'.
I will place the insmod command in the crontab shell script that starts the monitor tclsh program and see what happens.
Later: That did not work reliably (the ttyHS0-3 did not get created unless I unplugged the modem and plugged it in again.)
So to investigate what's happening on reboot, I went to the web site and turned on logging in the config file /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf. This should place log statements in the file /var/log/usb_modeswitch_<interface name>. We will see.
Later: logging only happens when hot plugging modem, not at boot time, and usb modeswitch seems to work when hot plugging. How does the usb modeswitch command work at boot time? Do I have to add a delay and manually call usb modeswitch?
Linux driver support for GSM Module devices is lacking in general from device manufacturers..